Tuesday, October 8, 2013

{fall}ing in love

Lately, nights have required footie pajamas for the boys, an extra blanket on our bed and the desire to stay in our warm bed just a few minutes longer each morning. I never realized while living in Oregon how much we as a family enjoy the cooler weather. Honestly, it brings comfort and the desire to get out more. (who knew I would miss gloomy Oregon weather so much) The first sign of fall brought about our desire to explore.

We hopped in the car and set out to the Snake River scenic route. We hadn't made it out there yet and were surprised at just how quickly we were out in the county. Rolling hills, and farm land in every direction . It was breathtakingly beautiful. And for the first time in a long time this felt like exactly where we were suppose to be. I am slowly falling in love with Idaho. Probably because it's been showing off a little more.  With its snowy peaks in the distance, an array of colors in each tree and the biggest pumpkins I have ever seen, it has slowly chiseled away at some of my apprehension of living here and helping me look forward to what our life in Idaho may look like in the future.

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