Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 3: Butterfly theme

Last weeks theme I decided to make a bit more simple being that is was a double theme week (Easter) and I really wanted something that could be tied into the overall theme of Easter. Butterflies seemed like the perfect merge between our insect curriculum and The Resurrection. 
On Monday I introduced this super cheesy song my MIL introduced me to that fit the bill perfectly. I also introduced this life cycle book. It's in Spanish and I bit too old but the photographs are amazing and straight forward so it wasn't an issue. I took out a few of our butterfly toys for him to play with.

Butterfly on the train track

On Tuesday : Repeat Monday then we made a caterpillar using a popsicle stick and some pom poms.

 On Thursday: (yes Thursday, we took a bit of a break) We painted a coffee filter using watercolors and glued our caterpillar to it.

On Friday during B's nap I wrapped the butterfly in a few paper towels. When he woke up he unwrapped the chrysalis. 

Yay! A butterfly!!!!

butterfly destruction! Trucks, cars, and trains trump anything

Between this and the Resurrection eggs it was more than enough to keep this little guy busy. This week I decided to take it easy and rethink my next step. Have a great weekend.

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